Polazite iz Frankfurt (Main) Hbf, koji se nalazi u samom centru grada Frankfurt na Majni, i uživate u prekrasnom krajoliku tijekom putovanja dok ne stignete u Jena West, koji se također nalazi u srcu Lehesten.
Polazite iz Frankfurt (Main) Hbf, koji se nalazi u samom centru grada Frankfurt na Majni, i uživate u prekrasnom krajoliku tijekom putovanja dok ne stignete u Jena West, koji se također nalazi u srcu Lehesten.
Discover the remarkable journey from Frankfurt-am-Main to Lehesten by train. Enjoy a spectacular trip that takes around 4 hours and 20 minutes, passing through several iconic places along the way. This is a popular route for many visitors to Germany, and you can find plenty of amazing sights and attractions to checkout. The distance between these two cities is approximately 193 km, and the main cities you will pass through include Fulda, Bad Hersfeld, Leinefelde-Worbis, Verler, Streufdorf, Rodgau, and Gross-Umstadt. Along the way, you can find iconic items, such as the Romanesque Church in Fulda, the Railway Museum in Bad Hersfeld, and the Falkenstein Castle near Leinefelde-Worbis. Take in the stunning landscape of the rolling hills and riverbanks en route to Lehesten, and take in some of the magnificent sights. While in Lehesten, take a walk through the beautiful old town square and admire the historic architecture, or visit the ancient ruins at Hohenlychen. Visiting Germany by train is an unforgettable experience. Whether you’re looking for historical monuments, picturesque scenery, or fantastic culture, this journey has something for everyone. Enjoy this wonderful journey and get ready to be amazed!
Zamislite grad koji sjedinjuje modernu arhitekturu s povijesnim zdanjima, gdje se suvremenost i tradicija stapaju u jedinstvenom ritmu. Dobrodošli u Frankfurt na Majni, financijsku prijestolnicu Njemačke, koja je savršena destinacija za ljubitelje povijesti i arhitekture. Otkrijte ključne točke koje čine ovaj grad nezaboravnim.
Frankfurtska katedrala (Dom): Ova gotička ljepotica datira iz 14. stoljeća i nudi ne samo arhitektonski doživljaj već i dubok povijesni kontekst, budući da je bila mjesto krunidbe njemačkih careva. Radno vrijeme je od 09:00 do 20:00, a ulaz je besplatan. Ne propustite uspon na toranj za spektakularan pogled na grad.
Römerberg: Srce starog Frankfurta s šarmantnim trgom okruženim zgradama u tradicionalnom njemačkom stilu. Idealan je za fotografiranje i uživanje u kavi u jednom od mnogobrojnih kafića. Posjetite tijekom božićnog sajma za magično iskustvo.
Muzejska obala (Museumsufer): Ovaj dio grada duž rijeke Majne dom je brojnih muzeja. Istaknite se posjetom Städel muzeju, koji sadrži umjetnička djela od srednjeg vijeka do modernog doba. Ulaznice se kreću oko 14€, a radno vrijeme je od 10:00 do 18:00.
Goetheova kuća: Rođena kuća Johann Wolfganga von Goethea, sada pretvorena u muzej, odiše poviješću i kulturom. Kuća detaljno prikazuje Goetheov život i rad. Ulaznica košta 7€, a kuća je otvorena od 10:00 do 18:00.
Europska središnja banka (ECB): Simbol modernog Frankfurta, poznat po svojoj impozantnoj arhitekturi. Iako unutrašnjost nije otvorena za javnost, njegova vanjština i okolni parkovi idealni su za šetnju.
Palmengarten: Botanički vrt u kojem možete uživati u različitim biljnim vrstama iz cijelog svijeta. Savršeno mjesto za opuštanje nakon obilaska grada. Ulaznica iznosi 7€, a vrt je otvoren od 09:00 do 18:00.
Stari operni teatar (Alte Oper): Obnovljena zgrada koja sada služi kao koncertna dvorana i centar za kulturna događanja. Pročelje zgrade je impresivno, a unutrašnjost je bogato ukrašena. Program možete provjeriti online, a cijene ulaznica variraju.
Kroz Frankfurt se lako putuje zahvaljujući učinkovitom javnom prijevozu, ali grad nudi i mogućnost ugodnih šetnji kroz raznolike četvrti. Uz obilazak navedenih lokacija, obavezno isprobajte lokalne specijalitete kao što su frankfurtska kobasica i jabučni štrudel. Ovaj grad je prava urbana oaza koja spaja staro i novo te nudi nezaboravna iskustva na svakom koraku.
Welcome to Lehesten! Dubbed as the “City of Palaces and Churches”, Lehesten is well known for its breathtaking Teutonic castles and cultural heritage. From the must-visit historical sites to the tastiest local dishes, this city is sure to impress. Here are the best things to do while visiting Lehesten:
St. Andrew’s Church: This baroque church stands tall in the middle of the city and is considered to be one of the most important works of art in the region. Built between 1758-1764, the church features an impressive dome and clock tower. Hours: 8 AM-7PM. Entrance Fee: Free. Insider Tip: visit in the evening to enjoy the breathtaking views of the city.
Ledenburg Castle: This 12th century castle is situated on a hilltop and was built by the Teutonic Knights. Ledenburg Castle is one of the oldest and best preserved castles in Germany. Hours: 10 AM - 8 PM. Entrance Fee: Adults (€5), Children (€3). Insider Tip: Take a guided tour to learn about the fascinating history of the castle.
Burgschänke: This 19th century castle, located just outside the city, is the perfect place to experience the city’s rich culture. Burgschänke is famous for its open-air opera performances and traditional German cuisine. Hours: 6 PM - 11 PM. Entrance Fee: Free. Insider Tip: Take the wine tasting tour for a truly unique experience.
St. John's Church: This Gothic church is located in the city center and is one of the most popular tourist attractions in Lehesten. Built in the 14th century, the church features beautiful stained glass windows and a grand central dome. Hours: 9 AM - 7 PM. Entrance Fee: Adults (€3), Children (€1). Insider Tip: Climb the bell tower for some of the best views in the city.
Gardens of Lehesten: The city is home to some of the most stunning gardens in all of Germany. The Gardens of Lehesten feature an abundance of various flowers, plants, and trees as well as a beautiful fountain. Hours: 8 AM - 8 PM. Entrance Fee: Adults (€4), Children (€2). Insider Tip: Visit in the evening to enjoy the romantic atmosphere.
Neustadt Beer Hall: This historic beer hall is the perfect spot to sample some of the best beer in town. Neustadt Beer Hall offers a variety of local craft beer as well as traditional German dishes. Hours: 4 PM - 12 AM. Entrance Fee: Free. Insider Tip: Try the Neustadt Weizenbier, a unique beer brewed in-house.
Medieval Market: This vibrant outdoor market is held every Saturday in the city center and sells anything from local produce to handmade crafts. Hours: 9 AM - 6 PM. Entrance Fee: Free. Insider Tip: Get there early to snag the best deals.
Lehesten is definitely a must-visit destination for anyone looking to explore the rich history and culture of Germany. From breathtaking castles to delicious local cuisine, this city truly has it all. So come, explore, and enjoy!
Frankfurt am Main je dom jedne od najprometnijih željezničkih stanica u Njemačkoj, poznate kao Frankfurt Hauptbahnhof. Ova centralna stanica je ključna točka za međunarodne i domaće željezničke linije, čineći je nezaobilaznom za putnike koji istražuju Europu vlakom. Frankfurt također ima nekoliko manjih stanica koje podržavaju lokalni promet, uključujući Frankfurt Süd i Frankfurt West.
Frankfurt Hauptbahnhof se nalazi na adresi Am Hauptbahnhof 1, što olakšava pristup svima koji putuju kroz grad. Stanica je otvorena 24 sata na dan, svakog dana, pružajući maksimalnu fleksibilnost putnicima. Za one koji trebaju uslugu skladištenja prtljage, dostupne su brojne opcije u sklopu stanice, omogućavajući lako manevariranje bez tereta dok istražuju grad ili čekaju svoj vlak.
Lehesten’s main train station is conveniently located in the city center, making it easy to access. There are no other train stations in the city, but Lehesten is well-connected with nearby towns and villages to the north and east, as well as other cities in the country.
The station’s address is Bahnhofstrasse 6, 07629 Lehesten, Germany. It is open daily from 7:00 am to 8:00 pm and has a dedicated customer service line that can be reached on 07629-50306. Lockers and luggage storage facilities are available at the station.
Rezervirajte unaprijed:
Baš kao i kod avionskih karata, cijene željezničkih karata obično rastu što se bliže datumu polaska. Rezervacija tjednima ili čak mjesecima unaprijed može vam uštedjeti značajnu količinu novca.
Putujte izvan vršnih sati:
Izbjegavajte putovanje tijekom vršnih sati kao što su jutarnji i večernji radni dani. Odaberite vožnju u podne, kasno navečer ili tijekom sredine tjedna kada je manje potražnje.
Razmislite o sporijim vlakovima ili neizravnim rutama:
Ekspresni ili brzi vlakovi mogu uštedjeti vrijeme, ali su često skuplji. Odabirom regionalnih ili sporijih usluga možete smanjiti cijenu karte.
Potražite posebne ponude i promocije:
Operateri vlakova povremeno imaju promocije ili posebne ponude, osobito tijekom izvansezonskih razdoblja. Vrijedi se prijaviti na biltene. Osim toga, ponekad postoje popusti za grupne ili povratne karte, stoga razmislite o tim opcijama ako odgovaraju vašim planovima putovanja.