Budete odchádzať z Bologna Centrale, nachádzajúcej sa priamo v centre mesta Bologna, a užijete si krásne scenérie cesty, kým dorazíte do Prato Centrale, tiež umiestnenej v srdci Montale.
Budete odchádzať z Bologna Centrale, nachádzajúcej sa priamo v centre mesta Bologna, a užijete si krásne scenérie cesty, kým dorazíte do Prato Centrale, tiež umiestnenej v srdci Montale.
The duration of the trip is approximately 1.5 hours, as the total distance between Bologna and Montale is 224 km (139 miles). During your ride, you'll pass through some of Italy's most iconic cities, including Parma, Reggio Emilia, Mantua, Modena, and many more.
The journey starts in Bologna, where you can explore the city’s many famous sights. Some of the most iconic attractions include the Piazza Maggiore, Bologna Cathedral, and Basilica di San Petronio. Be sure to explore the city and take in its vibrant and unique atmosphere.
As you continue on your journey, the landscape of northern Italy unfolds before you. You will be able to take in some of the most stunning views of the area and enjoy the breathtaking scenery. Finally, you will arrive in Montale, the small but beautiful village situated in the foothills of the Apennines.
From Montale, you can visit a variety of nearby towns and cities to explore the region’s hidden gems. Take a trip to Poggio Torriana and Mezzano for some breathtaking views of the surrounding hills and mountains. For a taste of history, make sure to visit the historic town of Marzabotto and the archaeological area of Felsina.
Whether you're looking for a short getaway or an extended vacation, the journey from Bologna to Montale by train is a wonderful way to explore the Emilia-Romagna region of Italy! Enjoy the enchanting views, captivating culture, and delicious cuisine that Italy has to offer.Vitajte v Bologna, talianskom meste, ktoré sa pýši bohatou históriou, vynikajúcou kuchyňou a architektonickými skvostmi. Toto mesto vám ponúka jedinečnú kombináciu kultúrnych a gastronomických zážitkov, ktoré si nemožno nechať ujsť. Pozrite sa na nasledujúce kľúčové miesta, ktoré by ste mali navštíviť, aby ste zažili pravú esenciu Bologna.
Piazza MaggioreCestovanie po Bologna sa najlepšie zažíva pešo alebo na bicykli, keďže mnohé z histórických pamiatok sú blízko seba. Nezapomeňte ochutnať miestne gastronomické delikatesy a vychutnať si príjemné prostredie tohto očarujúceho mesta. Bologna je skutočne klenotom Talianska, ktorý splní očakávania každého cestovateľa.
Montale, a stunning city in the north of Italy, is home to some of the world’s most beautiful and iconic architectural sites and historical landmarks. The atmospheric and evocative city offers visitors a unique insight into its medieval past, from the ancient city walls to the vibrant Piazzas Montale is known for. Here is your ultimate guide to the must-visit historical and architectural sites in Montale.
Torre Civica: The iconic Torre Civica, located in the middle of the Piazza della Repubblica, is the symbol of the city. Built in 1205, the tower is a testament to the city’s rich history, and offers panoramic views of the city from the top. Opening hours are 9am-9pm, free admission.
Basilica di San Lorenzo: A stunning Gothic-Romanesque basilica, the Basilica di San Lorenzo is one of the oldest and most important churches in Montale. It dates back to the 12th century and boasts breathtaking stained-glass windows and intricate stone carvings. Opening hours are 9am-7pm, admission is €2.
Cathedral of San Geminiano: A quaint and beautiful Romanesque cathedral, the Cathedral of San Geminiano is one of the oldest churches in the city. Constructed in the 11th century, it has stunning frescoes and a beautiful bell tower. Opening hours are 9am-7pm, admission is free.
The Ancient Walls: The walls around the old city are a fascinating reminder of Montale’s past. Built in the 10th century, they stretch almost 8km in all directions and offer visitors the chance to explore the city’s Medieval past. Opening hours are 9am-6pm, admission is free.
Piazza della Repubblica: The Piazza della Repubblica is the central square of the city, surrounded by stunning architecture and teeming with life. There are also plenty of cafés, restaurants and shops, making it the perfect place for a leisurely stroll.
Palazzo Vecchio: Palazzo Vecchio is one of the city’s most impressive buildings. Built in the 13th century, it is home to a museum dedicated to the history and culture of Montale. Opening hours are 9am-7pm, admission is €2.
What to Eat: Montale is known for its delicious seafood dishes, such as Pasta alla Griglia or Risotto alla Montale. The Piazza della Repubblica is home to some of the city’s best restaurants, including the famous Trattoria Alfonso.
From the iconic Torre Civica to the ancient walls, Montale is a city filled with history and beauty. With its stunning architecture, delicious cuisine and vibrant culture, Montale is an ideal destination for travelers looking to explore Italy’s past.
Plánujete návštevu Bologna a zajíma vás, ako sa dostať do srdca tejto kultúrne bohatej italskej metropoly? Hlavná železničná stanica, Stazione di Bologna Centrale, je kľúčovým dopravným uzlom nielen pre mesto ale aj pre celú severnú Itáliu. Okrem hlavnej stanice disponuje Bologna aj menšími stanicami ako Bologna San Vitale a Bologna Corticella, ktoré obsluhujú regionálne linky, čo je ideálne pre preskúmanie lokálnych oblastí.
Ak sa chystáte využiť Stazione di Bologna Centrale, nájdete ju na adrese Piazza delle Medaglie d’Oro, 2. Stanica je otvorená 24 hodín denne, čo umožňuje flexibilitu pri plánovaní vašich cestovných itinerárov. Pre tých, ktorí cestujú s batožinou, stanica ponúka služby pre prepravu batožiny, vrátane úschovní a asistenčných služieb, čo zjednodušuje manipuláciu s batožinou a zvyšuje komfort vašej cesty.
Montale, a city in Italy, is home to a central train station, the Montale Central Station. It is the primary connection point for travelers, featuring direct trains to most major Italian cities. There are also other train stations in the area, connecting Montale to nearby towns and cities.
The Montale Central Station is conveniently located in the city center, at Piazza Montale. It is open 24/7 and provides travelers with ticketing services, bathroom facilities, and luggage storage. Additionally, travelers can find ATMs and public transport links near the station. The station can be contacted via telephone: +39 045 800 5005.
Rezervujte vopred:
Rovnako ako pri letenkách, ceny vlakových lístkov majú tendenciu stúpať, keď sa blíži dátum odchodu. Rezervácia týždne alebo dokonca mesiace vopred Vám môže ušetriť značnú sumu.
Cestujte mimo dopravnej špičky:
Vyhnite sa cestovaniu v špičkových časoch, ako sú rána a večery počas pracovných dní. Zvoľte si cestovanie počas poludnia, neskorého večera alebo v polovici týždňa, keď je menší dopyt.
Zvážte pomalšie vlaky alebo nepriame trasy:
Expresné alebo vysokorýchlostné vlaky môžu ušetriť čas, ale sú často drahšie. Výber regionálnych alebo pomalších služieb môže znížiť Vaše cestovné náklady.
Hľadajte špeciálne ponuky a akcie:
Prevádzkovatelia vlakov príležitostne ponúkajú akcie alebo špeciálne ponuky, najmä počas obdobia mimo špičky. Stojí za to prihlásiť sa na odber newsletterov. Okrem toho sú niekedy k dispozícii skupinové alebo spiatočné zľavy na lístky, preto zvážte tieto možnosti, ak zapadajú do vašich cestovných plánov.