Odhod bo iz Interlaken Ost, ki se nahaja v samem središču mesta Interlaken, in uživali boste v čudoviti pokrajini med potovanjem, medtem ko boste prispeli v Mürren BLM, ki se prav tako nahaja v središču Lauterbrunnen.
Odhod bo iz Interlaken Ost, ki se nahaja v samem središču mesta Interlaken, in uživali boste v čudoviti pokrajini med potovanjem, medtem ko boste prispeli v Mürren BLM, ki se prav tako nahaja v središču Lauterbrunnen.
Take the trip of a lifetime and experience the awe-inspiring journey from Interlaken to Lauterbrunnen, one of the most picturesque regions in Switzerland. This exciting route will take you through some of the country’s most iconic towns and panoramas, while providing you with numerous opportunities to discover the resplendent beauty of the Swiss Alps. The train journey from Interlaken to Lauterbrunnen takes approximately 25 minutes, and covers 11.5 km in distance. During your journey, you will pass through some of Switzerland’s most stunning towns, such as the historic city centre of Interlaken, charming Grindelwald, the scenic Harder Kulm viewpoint, the alluring Lake Brienz and the beautiful village of Murren. As you make your way to Lauterbrunnen, you will be treated to some of the most astonishing sights that the Swiss Alps has to offer. The most iconic item that you will see is the majestic Staubbach Falls, a 300-meter-high waterfall in the valley. After a short stroll through the village of Lauterbrunnen, you can end your journey with a visit to the local Stechelberg cliff walks, and take in the breath-taking view of the snow-capped alpine peaks. Switzerland is a beautiful country, and the Interlaken to Lauterbrunnen train journey is the perfect way to experience its natural wonders. With its picturesque towns, unique landscapes and stunning views, this journey will surely be one that you will always remember. So, why not start planning your trip today and experience the beauty of the Swiss Alps?
Interlaken, čudovito mesto, ujeto med jezeroma Thun in Brienz v osrčju Švice, je prava paša za oči in raj za ljubitelje zgodovine in arhitekture. Privoščite si potovanje skozi čas in odkrijte bogato dediščino tega slikovitega kraja.
Schloss Interlaken
Zgodovinski grad, ki datira v 12. stoletje, predstavlja arhitekturni dragulj mesta. Danes gosti muzej z razstavami, ki pripovedujejo zgodbo o Interlaknu. Lokacija: na središčni ploščadi mesta, odprto od 10:00 do 17:00, vstopnina: €5.
St. Beatus-Höhlen
Obiščite te fascinantne jame, kjer so živeli menihi že v 8. stoletju. Lokacija: ob severni obali Thunersee, odprto od aprila do oktobra, vstopnina: €18. Uživajte v osupljivih pogledih na jezero in preizkusite lokalne specialitete v restavraciji jame.
Höhematte Park
Ta veličasten park v središču mesta nudi krasen pogled na Jungfrau. Spomladi in poleti je idealen za piknike in sprostitev na svežem gorskem zraku.
Kirche Unterseen
Obiščite to čudovito cerkev iz 13. stoletja z zgodovinskimi freskami in edinstveno arhitekturo. Nahaja se v bližini glavne železniške postaje, brez vstopnine.
Interlaken Monastery
Ustanovljen v 12. stoletju, ta samostan je poln zgodovinskih zakladov in je obdan z mirnimi vrtovi. Voden ogled je na voljo brezplačno.
Švicarski muzej na prostem Ballenberg
Le 20 km od Interlakna, ta muzej prikazuje tradicionalne švicarske hiše in obrti. Odprto od aprila do oktobra, vstopnina: €28.
Harder Kulm
Vzemite vzpenjačo do te razgledne točke na 1322 m nadmorske višine. Ponuja spektakularen pogled na Interlaken in oba jezera. Odprto od aprila do novembra, povratna vozovnica: €30.
Odkrivanje Interlakena je kot potovanje skozi čudovito švicarsko pravljico, kjer vsak kotiček skriva svojo zgodbo. Z obiskom teh izjemnih zgodovinskih in arhitekturnih znamenitosti boste začutili duh preteklosti in uživali v pristni švicarski kulturi. Ne pozabite poskusiti lokalnih dobrot, kot so raclette ali fondue, ki so popoln zaključek vašega raziskovanja.
Lauterbrunnen, situated in Switzerland's Bernese Oberland valley in the Bern Canton, is a picturesque town of Alpine beauty. With dramatic waterfalls, lush green meadows, and stunning Alpine panoramas, Lauterbrunnen is the perfect place to explore the great outdoors. Whether you’re looking to take a leisurely stroll through the countryside, embark on a challenging trek, or simply soak in the breathtaking views, this charming town has something to offer for everyone.
Trümmelbach Falls: These stunning 10 waterfalls, hidden beneath a granite mountain, offer some of the best views in the region. These falls are accessible via a network of lifts and tunnels, and their powerful force can be heard from miles away. Location: Lauterbrunnen Valley. Hours: Daily, 9.00-16.00. Entrance Fees: CHF 5. Insider Tip: Take your time to explore the network of tunnels and admire the thundering falls.
Staubbach Falls: The Staubbach Falls is the tallest waterfall in the country, cascading down 300 meters from the rocky cliffs. Adjacent to the falls is a perfect viewing platform from where you can enjoy the beautiful scenery. Location: Lauterbrunnen. Hours: Always open. Entrance Fees: None. Insider Tip: Take a short day trip to the nearby town of Kleine Scheidegg and enjoy the great views of the Swiss Alps.
Schynige Platte Railway: Ride the historic railway and experience the breathtaking beauty of the mountains as you zoom through them. Location: Wilderswil, Switzerland. Hours: April to October, 9.00-17.00. Entrance Fees: CHF 18. Insider Tip: Try to get a seat facing the front of the train, as the views from there are the best.
Jungfraujoch: Ride the highest railway in Europe and experience the stunning views of the surrounding peaks, glaciers, and snow-covered landscapes. Location: Jungfraujoch, Switzerland. Hours: Late April to Mid-November, 8.00-16.00. Entrance Fees: CHF 89. Insider Tip: Wear a weather-proof jacket and take your time to explore the picturesque paths around the station.
Trümmelbach Glacier: Explore this glacier at close range and admire its dramatic walls of ice. Location: Lauterbrunnen. Hours: Late April to Late October, 8.00-16.00. Entrance Fees: CHF 20. Insider Tip: Wear warm clothing, as the temperature inside the glacier can get quite cold.
Schilthorn: Experience the breathtaking views from the summit of the Schilthorn Mountain, which offers 360° panoramas of the surrounding valley and peaks. Location: Lauterbrunnen. Hours: Mid-May to Mid-October, 8.00-17.00. Entrance Fees: CHF 29. Insider Tip: Make sure to take the scenic cable car ride and the rotating cable-car restaurant.
Trümmelbach Suspension Bridge: Cross the breathtaking Trümmelbach Suspension bridge and admire the stunning waterfall and its powerful force from close range. Location: Lauterbrunnen Valley. Hours: Always open. Entrance Fees: None. Insider Tip: Wear comfortable shoes and make sure to take pictures from the bridge before you turn back.
When visiting Lauterbrunnen, don't forget to sample some of the traditional dishes like älplermagronen, a tasty potato dish with melted cheese and apples, or schnitzel, a classic Swiss dish of pan-fried pork or veal. With its breathtaking views, countless historical and architectural sites, and delicious food, a trip to Lauterbrunnen will make for an unforgettable experience!
Če načrtujete potovanje v Interlaken, Švica, je pomembno vedeti, da mesto ponuja dve glavni železniški postaji: Interlaken Ost in Interlaken West. Obe postaji sta ključni za povezovanje z različnimi deli države in omogočata dostop do številnih lokalnih in mednarodnih destinacij. Interlaken Ost služi kot glavno izhodišče za vlake proti Jungfraujochu, medtem ko je Interlaken West bližje centru mesta in je priročen za dostop do lokalnih ustanov in storitev.
Glavna železniška postaja Interlaken Ost se nahaja na naslovu Bahnhofstrasse 28, 3800 Interlaken. Delovni čas postaje je običajno od zgodnjih jutranjih ur do poznega večera, kar omogoča prilagodljivost pri načrtovanju poti. Za potnike, ki potujejo z več prtljage, postaja nudi storitve za oddajo prtljage, kjer lahko svoje kovčke in torbe varno shranite za nekaj ur ali več dni. Ta servis je še posebej koristen za popotnike, ki želijo raziskati mesto brez dodatne obremenitve.
Lauterbrunnen is a small Swiss town with a beautiful main train station. This station is the most important one in the city and is the best option to arrive in the area. There are other minor stations scattered around the city, offering different transport options.
The Lauterbrunnen main train station has an address of Unterseen-Bönigen, 3822 Lauterbrunnen, Switzerland. Its opening hours are from 7 am to 11 pm and the contact telephone number is +41 33 828 72 34. They also provide luggage storage services for travelers.
Rezervirajte vnaprej:
Podobno kot pri letalskih vozovnicah, cene vozovnic za vlak običajno naraščajo, ko se približuje datum odhoda. Rezervacija tednov ali celo mesecev vnaprej vam lahko prihrani znatno vsoto.
Potujte med nizko sezono:
Izogibajte se potovanju v času konic, kot so jutranji in večerni termini med tednom. Izberite poldan, pozni večer ali vožnje sredi tedna, ko je povpraševanje manjše.
Razmislite o počasnejših vlakih ali indirektnih poteh:
Ekspresni ali hitri vlaki lahko prihranijo čas, vendar so pogosto dražji. Izbira regionalnih ali počasnejših storitev lahko zmanjša vaše stroške.
Poiščite posebne ponudbe in promocije:
Prevozniki vlakov občasno ponujajo promocije ali posebne ponudbe, še posebej izven glavne sezone. Vredno se je prijaviti na novice. Poleg tega so včasih na voljo popusti za skupine ali povratne vozovnice, zato razmislite o teh možnostih, če ustrezajo vašim načrtom potovanja.